Totally Terrific TomTom Tricks

Over the years, we've owned a number of GPS devices, the most recent one a TomTom unit we purchased about 4 years ago. It came with "Lifetime Maps and Traffic," which means we get new maps to install a few times a year (and the traffic feature is great for alerting us to potential bottlenecks up ahead, and usually at least one alternate route to avoid them).

The other day, I was alerted that a new map was available, and proceeded to install it. Before doing so, however, I continued my practice of separately copying the "Favorites" file so that I wouldn't have to re-enter a bunch of addresses.

This proved prescient.

In the event, something went very wrong with the install (this is the first time that's happened, by the way, in 4 years of use): the map became corrupted, rendering the device unusable. Over the next few days, I called tech support a number of times, and they could not have been more helpful, professional or courteous. They walked (and emailed) me through a number of trouble-shooting steps before determining that we had to format the device (Yikes!) and start with a clean slate. This took some time, of course, but in the end, I had a virtually new, clean unit, and because I had saved my Favorites, we were able to copy those in seamlessly.

Oh, did I mention that all these phone calls and emails didn't cost me a dime? And no, I had purchased no extended warranty or service plan, and this was for a unit that was 4 years old and cost less than $200.

Pretty good deal, I'd say.

As an aside, I learned something new about these units: mine has a built-in 2MB "hard drive" that currently holds a map of the US, Canada and Mexico. At some point, however, this map will become too large for my unit's on-board memory. What then?

Well, the folks at TomTom have that figured out, as well: they'll break the map into "zones;" one just loads whatever piece is needed and heads on out. And newer models come with a micro-sd slot to provide virtually unlimited memory, obviating the need for zones at all.

Pretty nifty.

And a special Thank You! to Amol P. and Raj R. for their help, patience and sense of humor.
Totally Terrific TomTom Tricks Totally Terrific TomTom Tricks Reviewed by Insurance on 06.54 Rating: 5

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