Tuesday Afternoon Linkage

■ The good news (such as it is) is that just shy of 2 million suckers Americans have signed up for ObamaPlans so far during this year's Open Enrollment season.

The bad news is that this represents less than 15% of the expected number of sign-ups, and even then, most of these are simply re-enrollments, not "new blood."

Also on tap for a less-than-happy New Year:

"Most renewals are on autopilot, creating the risk of 'rate shock' when re-upped Americans get their bills in January"


■ Here's some actual good news for at least one family:

"A Seattle baby is home in time for Christmas after local doctors bet on a last-chance, once-discarded treatment that uses liquid, not air, to inflate the collapsed lungs of fragile newborns."

Seems that little Tatiana Saiaana had inhaled some of the meconium, resulting in an unusual but not unheard-of condition called Meconium Aspiration. This can lead to severe breathing problems. In Tatiana's case, doc's were able to come up with an out-of-the-box solution, and she seems to be on the mend.

■ FoIB Holly R alerts us to some disquieting news that's affecting not-for-profit hospitals that - get this - want to be paid for services rendered.

How gauche.

In the event, the rocket surgeons at the IRS plan to impose strict new rules that seek to prevent these providers from actively collecting payments from these they serve.

I'm sure this will have no affect on the ability of those most vulnerable among us to access vital health care services.
Tuesday Afternoon Linkage Tuesday Afternoon Linkage Reviewed by Insurance on 09.34 Rating: 5

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