Affordable Care Act, Obamacare Disaster!

Obamacare, ACA, Trumpcare

Special interest groups protest in support of Obamacare in New York on Jan. 30, 2017

President Donald Trump and the Republican party are right about Obamacare it was a disaster. It's like a Pyramid Scam that was pushed to the public for special interest groups. Insurance companies are jumping ship and are hiking prices. Obama and the democrats penalized healthy people for being healthy.

Now, the Trump administration is on its way to fix this mess and the dishonest media, democrats and liberals are ganging up on him about the death of Affordable Care Act despite being in the office in less than a month. Really how can you fix that garbage in less than a month?    

Trump officials wants to remove some grace periods that insurance companies say are being gamed by savvy individuals. One idea would clamp down on people who are late on their payments. Another would tighten the requirement that people show documentation of a life event (such as marriage, birth or change in employment status) before being allowed to enroll outside of the open enrollment period. This may result in lower premiums and persuade insurance companies to stay in the exchanges.

Trump was right when he said that: "Obamacare is a complete and total disaster," Trump said. "It's imploding as we sit."

He said that people who buy Obamacare plans are being strained by rising premiums and sky-high deductibles.

"And '17 is going to be the bad year, it's going to be catastrophic," Trump said.

He also said that "We could sit back and watch, and wait, and criticize, and we could be a Chuck Schumer," Trump said, referring to the Democratic Senate majority leader who has warned Republicans they will be responsible politically for any replacement plan. "And people would come, they would come begging us, 'Please, we have to do something about Obamacare.'"

"We don't want to own it politically, they own it right now," Trump said of the Democrats.

"So the easiest thing would be to let it implode in '17, and believe me we'd get pretty much whatever we want but it would take a long time," Trump said.

Obamacare's the Democrats' problem," he said. "We're going to take the problem off the shelves for them."

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Affordable Care Act, Obamacare Disaster! Affordable Care Act, Obamacare Disaster! Reviewed by Insurance on 00.48 Rating: 5

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