The Obamatax Man Cometh
Obamacrack buyers. Did you get a government bailout last year? You might have a surprise when you file
your taxes.
According to the UK Daily Mail the 52% figure translates to roughly 4.5M tax filers.
Now isn't that special?
Thanks to Henry Stern for the update info.
your taxes.
The majority (52 percent) of Obamacare enrollees receiving an advance premium tax credit to purchase Obamacare insurance is facing the prospect of paying back $530 of that tax credit to the IRS, according to a new study from H&R Block. This clawback is reducing the refunds for these taxpayers by 17 percent this filing season. - ATRObama giveth to buy votes and the IRS taketh away.
According to the UK Daily Mail the 52% figure translates to roughly 4.5M tax filers.
Now isn't that special?
Thanks to Henry Stern for the update info.
The Obamatax Man Cometh
Reviewed by Insurance
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