And The Winner Is ........
Obamacare is 5 years (and a few days) old.
If you listen to the administration, and news media, this is a popular program.
Of course the same administration thought it was a good idea to swap 5 terrorists for a deserter.
So how is Obamacare really doing? Who is benefiting? Who isn't?
Glad you asked.
Much has been made about income inequality. In an off the cuff remark by candidate Obama to Joe the plumber Obama said it was a good idea to spread the wealth around.
Candidate Obama also said, "At some point you have made enough money".
But few paid attention.
Maybe they are listening now.
Looks like this spread the wealth around idea is working.
Just can't figure out why they had to dismantle a working system that most people liked and replace it with something that is costly, dysfunctional and mostly unpopular.
If you listen to the administration, and news media, this is a popular program.
Of course the same administration thought it was a good idea to swap 5 terrorists for a deserter.
So how is Obamacare really doing? Who is benefiting? Who isn't?
Glad you asked.
Much has been made about income inequality. In an off the cuff remark by candidate Obama to Joe the plumber Obama said it was a good idea to spread the wealth around.
Candidate Obama also said, "At some point you have made enough money".
But few paid attention.
Maybe they are listening now.
A whopping 76 percent of Obamacare-eligible individuals who earned between $11,770 and $17,655 annually actually signed up for a plan this year on the federally run insurance exchange, which serves 37 states, Avalere found. That income group represents the low end for qualifying for Obamacare subsidies, and as a rule those people would receive the largest amount of financial aid.
But there were steep declines in the next two income groups, even though those people receive not only help paying their monthly premiums, but as with the lower earners remain eligible for financial assistance to cover out-of-pocket medical expenses.
Just 41 percent of eligible people earning between 151 and 200 percent of the federal poverty level bought plans. And just 30 percent of eligible people in the next income group, earning up to 250 percent of the poverty level, bought such a plan. - CNBC
Looks like this spread the wealth around idea is working.
Just can't figure out why they had to dismantle a working system that most people liked and replace it with something that is costly, dysfunctional and mostly unpopular.
And The Winner Is ........
Reviewed by Insurance
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