'Til Death Us Do Sleep

Euthanasia is not really euthanasia if you are just sleeping.

At least that's the way the French view it.

Seems the frogs are having their own issues with the cost of socialized medicine and looking for some relief.
France's Parliament started debate Tuesday on a bill aimed at allowing doctors to keep terminally ill patients sedated until death comes, amid national debate about whether to legalize euthanasia.
The proposed bill — backed by the Socialist government — stops short of recommending lethal injections and avoids the terms euthanasia or assisted suicide.
Prime minister Manuel Valls praised "a reform that proclaims the right to die peacefully, in dignity and without suffering," in a speech at France's lower house of Parliament. - Yahoo News

Not enough drugs to kill you but enough to put you to sleep.

In a manner of speaking.

'Til Death Us Do Sleep 'Til Death Us Do Sleep Reviewed by Insurance on 09.08 Rating: 5

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